Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 35 of ALAA-Fri, June 17th, 2011-From Charleston, SC to Savannah, VA

Chippewa Square in Savannah, GA and, no, I didn't see Forrest Gump here!

The City Market in Savannah
It took me a while to figger out (!) why Savannah is a more enjoyable city to visit than Charleston. Both are coastal, river, and water-shipping interesting historical cities so I'm not dissing Charleston. The biggest difference is that Charleston will have a gas station or a modern bank in the same block as a Civil War era home while Savannah is more historically accurate. In my humble opinion, the difference is some kind of architectural control commission in Savannah that controls the construction and building maintenance in the historical districts.

Savannah has 22 squares spaced throughout the city that are full of these massive oak trees with the distinctly Southern Spanish Moss hanging from them-think Forrest Gump sitting on a park bench waiting for his bus because that scene was filmed in Chippewa Square. The scene with the feather and the church steeple was filmed in the same place. The riverfront area is also perfectly preserved and there is even a row of buildings on Factors Row where the cotton brokers bought the cotton shipped through Savannah and arranged shipping to Europe. Anyway, Savannah is certainly worth another visit with my Bride at some point in the future!
Here are Several of the Beautiful Homes Surrounding the Squares in Savannah

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