Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 9 of ALAA-Sun, May 22nd, 2011. Malibu to San Simeon, CA

A View of the MASH Site From the Chopper Pad at Malibu Creek State Park

My Campsite at Malibu Creek State Park
These two pictures are in the Malibu Creek SP. The first one is the MASH site from the helicopter pad looking down at the camp. Yes, the camp looks smaller than it does on the TV series. This is because the site has been overgrown in the 27 years since the series ended and the TV crews used different camera angles to make the camp look bigger. The only artifacts left there are a rusted out ambulance and a rusted out jeep. The location of the tents and OR are outlined in strings on the site of the camp. Looking at the mountain peaks around the MASH site brings back all those MASH TV episodes! The second picture is of my campsite there at the state park.

This post is a day late because there wasn't any service last night in the campground. Yesterday saw me riding about 200 miles North on the Pacific Coast Highway from the MASH state park above Pepperdine to San Simeon near the Hearst Castle. Somehow I neglected to mention Pepperdine U and the most beautiful college campus in America-if you haven't been to the Pepperdine Malibu campus, just Google-image it! I was riding with Ron and Betty and we were enjoying the scenery UNTIL we saw the sign about a section of the PCH being washed out and closed. Ron, Betty, and I rode up to the Hearst Castle. Ron and Betty scheduled a tour and I headed off to find a campground. Seeing the Hearst Castle again didn't appeal to me but the extra rest did! So we won't be able to ride ALL of the PCH through Big Sur but still most of it.

I ended up at San Simeon State Park. There were a couple of guys riding the Western US from Ontario camping just down from me in the state park. I walked down to the campsite where these two guys were and noticed their bikes-this is gonna BLOW YOU ALWAY but the same two bikes and riders were about two campsites down from me when I camped at Big Bend NP. I noticed their bikes in BBNP but didn't meet them there. I asked them and we had a good laugh that we were in the same two campgrounds, oh about a thousand miles apart, at he same time. Humpf, now that I've finished this post, I'll look for a place to camp, call my Bride, and then post about today. And,yes, it's been downright cold today. it was 50 degrees when I left!

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