Well, you have to realize that this blog is being written by the winner of the DUMBA$$ of the week award! Why, you ask? I stopped on the side of I-8 in Yuma, AZ and took my sunglasses off to find a campground in the Yuma area. Found a campground-GOOD NEWS! Rode off with my sunglasses sitting on the back of the bike-BAD NEWS! On the optimistic side, losing your prescription shades isn't as bad as some things but on the pessimistic side-CRAPOLA! CRAPOLA! CRAPOLA! Okay, quit the whining!
Other than that, it WAS a good 350 mile day! Here are some of the interesting takes on today: Bisbee, AZ is an interesting small town! It was a copper mining town that has preserved its interesting buildings as it converts to an economy based on tourism-beautiful old buildings. Tombstone, AZ is WAY too touristy for me but still a unique place. I saw a guy at least 80 years old standing on the side of the Interstate taking a whiz. I saw 3 Great Danes at a rest area-the owner told me they weighed 153, 172, and 185 pounds. These were really big dogs!
Why is it that anyone who owns land in West Texas, Southern NM, and Southern AZ think they can subdivide it and sell it? They put up signs that declares their property to be "Desert Breeze," "Mountain View," "Twin Buttes" or any other ridiculous name to sell their scrub brush, utterly worthless, and butt ugly piece of land. Advertising the "Last few lots available! 10 acres for only 29,900!," who would want to live out there in the middle of B#E? In 'n Out Burger today in Tucson! You can tell I'm getting closer to the Cereal State when you get to eat an In 'n Out Burger! They are the best!
Enjoy your In N Out today! Can you get more prescription sunglasses?