Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 14b of ALAA-Fri, May 27th, 2011

Cape Perpetua, OR

Otter Rock, OR
Well, it's been another interesting day in Oregon for two reasons: First, I saw a big round bright ball up in the sky today! I sure don't know what it was and no one I talked to had ever seen it before. One elderly man said he'd lived his whole life on the Oregon coast (You could tell because he had web feet!) and he told me he thought he saw it once when he was a boy but he wasn't sure. The second thing I saw today in Oregon was this very rare occurrence called "Dry pavement." A retired engineer that I ran into explained to me that it is a condition where there is a complete and total lack of moisture on the surface where traffic goes. Well, I saw a little of that strange stuff called dry pavement when that big bright ball was up in the sky!

The last amazing thing is that you're buying all this horse hockey I'm throwing down! :-) There WAS about 30 minutes this morning and again this afternoon when it was sunny and dry!

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