Thursday, August 17, 2017

One New, Changed Thought on ALAA

Earlier today, I reread the entire blog about the trip. Now, six years later, I have an adjustment to some things I said in the blog: First, a disclaimer. I LOVE Big Sur. That coastal area of CA IS beautiful-clearly one of the most beautiful places in North America. However, I can no longer classify it as "The most beautiful place I've ever been" or "The most beautiful place where land meets the sea." 
My mind has  been changed! Last summer, we went to Kauai for our 45th Wedding Anniversary and saw The NaPali Coast. The first two pictures below I took from a helicopter along the coast and the third one I took from a hike along the coast. You know that I'm NOT a photographer so that third picture with my iPhone was an extraordinary pic, not because of me but because of the magnificent scenery.

Are the two coasts similar? Yes, both contain mountains that reach all the way down to the blue Pacific and both are beautiful. The primary difference in the NaPali coast is that there are NO ROADS! Yes, you read that right! Probably the reason that most people aren't familiar with this beautiful part of Kauai is that it is only visible from the air, the ocean, or your feet along the 12-mile Kalalau Trail along the coast.
Sara and Caleb gave us an hour-long, open cockpit helicopter trip around Kauai and NaPali was the highlight of the trip. We also took a tour/snorkel boat trip along the coast and the boat even took us into a sea cave. Here is a pic of us on the boat in one of those caves.

Bottom Line? Why don't you Google Image "NaPali Coast" and see for yourself? It took me a long time to overrule Big Sur but you should decide for yourself!

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